Instructor: Mrs. K. Coen
Course Length: ½ year
Course Credit: ½ credit
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Computer Applications
Advanced Computer Applications (ACA) will afford students the opportunity to acquire advanced computer skills while reinforcing those learned in earlier courses. Students will become aware of the importance of up-to-the-minute factual information to modern business operations and see how technology is altering the way in which information is created, accessed, used, and managed in today’s business environment. Students will attain advanced software application skills through the use of Microsoft Office 2000 including Word and Excel. In addition, students will be exposed to the expanding field of web site design using Microsoft FrontPage. These applications will be integrated with Internet activities with the goal of producing professional documents.
This is a hands-on course using computers daily. Class time is an important commodity. If you need to make up work you missed, you are to make arrangements to do so during a free period, lunch, or after school.
Please Note: When in the computer lab for special projects, students are expected to abide by the school’s Acceptable Use Policy at all times. Accounts will remain locked until the AUP form has been returned with the appropriate signatures.
Site Name: Office 2000 Tutorials
URL Address: