Instructor: Mr.
J. Shumacher
Number of Credits: ½ credit
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: None
Class eBoard:
This 1/2-unit course will provide students with the opportunity to explore a variety of careers, learn the skills and competencies needed for success in the workplace and to begin to become financially literate. Students will be encouraged to begin or continue to develop a career plan, apply academic skills to solve real-world problems and become familiar with the universal foundation skills that are needed to become successful citizens, employers, and employees.
Classroom Rules & Regulations: To make this year in Career and College Prep the most productive and enjoyable it can be, I have developed a few simple guidelines. Following these will help you to be an active learner and an asset to the class environment.
- Be on time to class. Be seated at your computer and ready to work by the time the bell rings. Lateness will not be tolerated.
- Be prepared for class. You should have a pen, View binder and paper. If you miss a class, you are responsible for finding out what work you missed and then making it up by the due date.
- Be involved. Participate in class, offer your ideas and share your thoughts with the rest of us.
- Be respectful. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times.
Class time is an important commodity. It is not to be wasted. If you need to make up work you missed, you are to make arrangements to do so before or after school. When in the computer lab for special assignments, students are expected to abide by the school's Acceptable Use Policy at all times. Accounts will remain locked until the AUP form has been returned with the appropriate signatures.
All work is considered important. Your quarterly grades will reflect class work, tests, quizzes, and projects. Your success is important to me. I will be available for extra help. Please see me to arrange it. I look forward to having an interesting and successful year together.
Materials: 1 1/2" binder (to be left in the classroom); pen or pencil; paper; South-Western Managing Your Personal Finances.
Course Overview:
Preparing for College & Career - Building the Portfolio- Discuss the types and uses of a portfolio
- Determine the benefits of using a portfolio
- List the items that can be included in the portfolio
- Complete various self-assessment activities regarding interests, personality characteristics and skills/abilities to help determine possible majors in college
- Summarize information learned and identify majors that would fit
- Effective attitudes for career success
Career objective(s) and college options
- Set career and academic goals for chosen field of study
- Changing trends & employment
- Career search resources/planning
- Consumer protection
- Resume & cover letter & follow up
- Interviews
- Complete checklist of college characteristics important to the student
- Utilize college/career reference materials to identify five to ten potential educational institutions
- Compare and contrast the various colleges selected based on criteria listed above
- Write letters requesting admissions information from colleges and institutions
The admissions process and possible educational pathways
- Identify and discuss the various items required for admission and include examples in portfolio
- Discuss ways that borderline students can demonstrate academic potential beyond traditional admission measure
- Complete a practice college application
- Demonstrate appropriate behavior during a college interview
- Review financial aid opportunities including FASFA
- Study skills and basic note taking skills to use in high school and beyond
- Utilize study skills
- Take notes effectively in high school and college
- Distance learning using Blackboard
Social responsibilities
- Participate in student organizations
- Understand more about the various clubs, organizations and athletic opportunities available
Importance of physical and mental well-being
- Identify legal and illegal substances and the ability to abuse
- Identify sources of help and assistance
- Recognize stress, the sources of stress and the effects
Financial Literacy (
- Investing in Stocks (Stock Market Game in class)
- Banking/checking/savings
- Personal budgeting
- Credit card dangers
Word (Spanish translation available)
Site Name: College Board--Plan for College
Site Name: College and Career Planning
Site Name: The SmartStudent>TM Guide to Financial Aid
Site Name: How to Succeed as an Online Student
Site Name: Blackboard Learning
Site Name: The New York Stock Exchange
Name: Managing Your Personal Finances
Companion Site
URL Address:
Site Name: The Buzz in IT (Informational
URL Address:
Topic: Careers & Employment/Online Magazines
- Site Name: Career Zone
- URL Address:
- Topic: Career Information
- URL Address:
Site Name: Occupational Outlook
Handbook (OOH)
URL Address:
Topic: Personal Management: Career Information
Site Name: Small Business
URL Address:
Topic: Personal Management - Starting Your Own Business
Site Name: Teen Workers
URL Address:
Topic: Safety in the Workplace
Site Name: Business Week
URL Address:
Topic: Business Ownership
Site Name: U.S. Business
URL Address:
Topic: Personal Management - Business Ownership
Site Name: Management
News Summaries
URL Address: