"Marketing is a dynamic field that combines both creative ability and analytical skills ”
Instructor: Mrs. K. Coen
of Credits: ½
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: None
Sports and Entertainment
Marketing is a specialized course which provides
students with the opportunity
to learn marketing principles in the fields
of sports and entertainment. Students will
produce and market activities for simulated
athletic and entertainment events. This course
includes business, management, and entrepreneurship;
communication and interpersonal skills; economics;
and professional development foundations. Emphasis
is placed upon the functions of marketing-information
management, pricing, product/service management,
promotion, and selling. A significant portion
of this program includes hands-on learning
through student-developed activities to meet
course goals. Instructional strategies may
include computer/technology applications and
real and/or simulated occupational experiences.
Classroom Rules & Regulations: To make this semester in Sports & Entertainment Marketing as enjoyable it can be, I have developed a few simple guidelines. Following these will help you to be an active learner and an asset to the class environment.
- Be on time to class. Be seated at your computer and ready to work by the time the bell rings. Lateness will not be tolerated.
- Be prepared for class. You should have a pen, View binder, and paper. If you miss a class, you are responsible for finding out what work you missed and then making it up by the due date.
- Be involved. Participate in class, offer your ideas and share your thoughts with the rest of us.
- Be respectful. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times.
Class time is an important commodity. It is not to be wasted. If you need to make up work you missed, you are to make arrangements to do so before or after school. When in the computer lab for special assignments, students are expected to abide by the school's Acceptable Use Policy at all times. Accounts will remain locked until the AUP form has been returned with the appropriate signatures.
All work is considered important. Your quarterly grades will reflect class work, tests, quizzes, and projects. Your success is important to me. I will be available for extra help. Please see me to arrange it. I look forward to having an interesting and successful year together.
Materials: 1" binder (to be left in the classroom); paper; pen or pencil. You will also be required to purchase oak tag and/or a presentation board at some point during the semester.
Site Name: Overview of Sports Careers
URL Address:
Site Name: Brand Channel
URL Address:
Site Name: Commercial Alert
URL Address:
Site Name: Advertising
It's Everywhere
URL Address:
Site Name: DECA
URL Address:
Site Name: Wikipedia Article:
URL Address:
Site Name: Careers in Marketing
URL Address:
Site Name: Marketing Resources
URL Address:
Site Name: Marketing in the
URL Address:
Site Name: Great Ideas for
URL Address:
Site Name: Marketing Glossary
URL Address:
Site Name: Baseball Economics 101
URL Address: