Tuesday, January 16
Class Work:
- Begin a lesson using Blackboard for online learning.
- Take a Distance Learning pretest.
- View a PPT show on Distance Learning
to visit Blackboard class
- Receive your ID and Password to enter the blackboard web site usually the first letter of your first name and your last name
- Explore the Blackboard environment and print a copy of the handout and post at least one comment and link to the discussion area of your choice. You must use proper grammar and you will receive a grade based upon the clarity and effectiveness of your statement.
Wednesday, January 17
Class Work:
- Understand how to create a "homepage" and edit your personal information. Add a picture to your homepage.
- Understand the purpose of the "glossary" in Blackboard. (Quiz on glossary/Bb terms Friday)
- Distance learning resources
- Understand the purpose of the digital drop box and communication tools in Blackboard.
- Watch this simple example of how to use the digital drop box
- Discuss the methods by which students work on assignments in the DL environment.
- Discuss the DL project that will be required as a part of this unit: Buying a Computer.
Homework: Study your terms for a quiz tomorrow.
Thursday, January 18
Class Work:
- Review for a quiz that will be given on Monday, January 22 on distance learning
Homework: Post at least one comment in the discussion area for homework
Friday, January 19
Class work: Guest Speaker Patti Hulmes -- Last Day for Speaker
Monday, January 22
Class Work:
- Work on your DL assignment using Blackboard, the Internet, and class notes.
- Review for a quiz
Tuesday, January 23
Class work:
- Quiz to measure your knowledge of the Blackboard environment and Distance Learning.
- Complete any work that is owed in your career portfolio -- No work will be accepted after today.
Wednesday, January 24 through Friday, January 26
Class work:
- Review sheet (answer key)
- Review for final examination using an online review quiz
WEEK 21: January 29 through January 31
Monday, January 29
Class work: Part I of the two-day final examination
Tuesday, January 30
Class work: Part II of the two-day final examination
Wednesday, January 31
Class work: Make up day and a fond farewell to my first period students