Website of the Month: Newsday's
The Stock Market Game (SMG)
Week 1
Wednesday, September 6
Class work: Welcome
to my new students! Introductions and review
of rules and procedures. Students will be introduced
to the material to be covered in career & college
Homework: Purchase a view
binder by Monday, September 11. Send
me an e-mail for homework. All AUPs
must be submitted by Friday, September
8. Print
a copy from this website
Thursday, September 7
Class work:
- Begin Unit 7: Consumer Rights and Responsibilities and Lesson 28.1 "Our Free Enterprise System"
- Take an economics pretest to measure your prior knowledge of the basics of economics
- View a PPT on the
Basics of Economics
- Let’s read the “Up Front” on page 796 and talk about it
- Make a list of the goods/services you have purchased in the last two weeks. Did you get maximum satisfaction from them for the $$ spent? Do you buy American products first? Why or why not?
- Do you agree that consumers have the right to purchase the best value, regardless of who makes the product? Why or why not?
Homework:. Have all forms signed. Begin to read Chapter 28 in your text. Pages 797 through 802.
Friday, September 8--AUP FORMS DUE!!
Class Work:
- Hand in all signed forms
Homework: Read pages 804 to 808. Be sure to have your binder tomorrow
Week 2--September 11 through September 15
Monday, September 11
Class work:
- View a PPT on the
Economic Systems and Free Enterprise
- Discussion: Have you ever been taken advantage of by a repair service? Someone you know? Was there an estimate?
- If time permits, read the "Consumer Sovereignty" handout and discuss
- Print a copy of the US Economic Systems Key Terms
- Review supply and demand, consumer power, scarcity, price fixing, purchasing power, competition and monopoly
Homework: Begin to study for a quiz on Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 12
Class work:
- Finishing viewing the PPT on the
Economic Systems and Free Enterprise
- Discussion: Have you ever been taken advantage of by a repair service? Someone you know? Was there an estimate?
- Review supply and demand, consumer power, scarcity, price fixing, purchasing power, competition and monopoly
- Complete a review sheet for a quiz on Wednesday
Homework: Study and read chapter 28.1-- Print a copy of the US Economic Systems Key Terms
Wednesday, September
Class work:
- Quiz on chapter 28.1 (15 minutes)
- Make a list of fraudulent and deceptive practices (small groups)
- One-act play--Bait and Switch
- Analyze the ethics of enticing customer to buy one product and then trying to sell then another
- Visit the National Consumer web site at:
Homework:. None
Thursday, September 14
Class Work:
- View a PowerPoint on Fraudulent and Deceptive Practices
- Understand the terms bait and switch, low-balling, fake sales, referral sales, pyramid schemes, pigeon drop.
- Look at several infomercials
- Discuss how to be a responsible consumer by shopping wisely, staying informed, and seeking redress when they have a consumer problem
Homework: Read pages 804 to 809 and complete page 261(handout)
Friday, September 15
Class work:
- Review homework sheet page 261 together in class
- Visit an infomercial educational site at
- Work in groups to complete page 820 #6 together in class; each group will be assigned a different store.
Homework: None
Week 3--September 18 through September 22
Monday, September 18
Class work:
- Continue to discuss the types of deceptive practices used on consumers
- Work in groups to complete page 820 #6 together in class; each group will be assigned a different store.
- Page 261 together in class as review (answer key)
Tuesday, September 19
Class work:
- Check and review homework on Chapter 28.1 and 28.2.
- Visit the FTC website and explore a variety of articles relating to consumer redress
- Work independently to complete workbook activities 28.2 through 28.4 on reading the label, correcting an error, and reading the warranty
- Review the facts and ideas presented in Chapter 28, Lessons 28.1 and 28.2
- Complete the Q & A on pages 264 and 265 in your workbook for discussion in class
Wednesday & Thursday, September 20 & 21
Class work:
- Quiz on Chapter 28
- PPT Show: Brief overview of laws and agencies to protect consumers--Lesson 29.1 and 29.2
- Understand the following: The Consumer Bill of RIghts, the FDA, Consumer Product Safety Commission, and FCC/FTC
- Explore the Better Business Bureau site and learn the purpose and function of a consumer advocate
- Visit Consumer Reports online and discuss the purpose of the site
- Workbook page 282
Homework: Complete workbook pages 282 for homework if you cannot finish it in class
Friday, September 22
Class work:
- Review page 282 (answer key)
- Understand why it is important to contact public representative to seek redress
- Complete an in class exercise identifying your elected officials
- Discuss the different types of communication avenues that are available to contact your elected officials
- Review for a quiz on Monday
Home work: None
Week4--September 25 through September 29
Monday, September 25
Class work:
- Understand how to create a simple personal business letter and an e-mail
- Draft an e-mail to an elected official of your choice, expressing your concerns or opinions about a consumer issue of your choice.
- Type the letter to your elected official or an e-mail
- Discuss other avenues of redress
- Handout on business letter basics
Home work: Study for a quiz on Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 26
Class work:
- Review for a quiz tomorrow on Chapter 29--take an online practice quiz
- Type a consumer complaint letter using a supplied letter template
- Include three paragraphs--intro, problem, resolution
Homework: Read pages 331 to 334. Study for a quiz on Wednesday on Chapter 29
Wednesday & Thursday, September 27
Class work:
- Quiz on chapter 29
- Begin Chapter 12 in your textbook of "Investing in Stocks," page 330
- View a PPT on Stocks 101
- Describe the features of common stock and compare it to preferred stock
- Define stockholders, dividends, capital, and proxy
Friday, September
Class work:
- Retest on Chapter 29
- Discuss and understand income stocks, growth stocks, blue-chip, and penny stocks
- Understand what the New York Stock Exchange it and what it does
- Look at a comprehensive list of stock market ticker symbols
- Print and complete pages 1-3 of a NYSE handout
- Explore the Newsday "Stock Market" Game site
- Print a copy of "How to read Stock Tables"
- Explore the StocksQuest web site and read about "stocks"
Week 5--October 3 through October 6
Tuesday, October 3
Class work:
- Understand the difference between defensive and cyclical stocks
- View a PPT show on "Classifying Stocks"
- Notes handout for chapter 12.1
- Take a look at Top Stocks
- Print a copy of "How to read Stock Tables"
Homework: None
Wednesday, October 4 and Thursday, October 5
View a portion of a DVD on the stock market
Using one of the following web sites:
- "CNBC"
- "CBS Market Watch"
- "NASDAQ quotes"
- "New
York Stock Exchange" -
use the Quick Quote option
- As
a team, choose three stocks you
might wish to invest in. Once you've
chosen a stock, you must prepare
a short presentation explaining
why you decided on that stock.
The paper/presentation should include
the following information:
- The
name of the stock and some
background on the company.
What does it produce? How
long has it been around?
How many offices does the
company have? Is it an International
company? Where are the company's
- Details
on the stock. What is it
currently trading at? What
has it done over the past
- At
least two recent news items.
Is the company releasing
any new products? Is it merging
with anyone else?
- Explain why you would or wouldn't invest in this stock. Use specific data to back up your decision. In your explanation, use terms such as the P/E, news items, historical figures, et
- The
name of the stock and some
background on the company.
What does it produce? How
long has it been around?
How many offices does the
company have? Is it an International
company? Where are the company's
Homework for Thursday: Read the New York Stock Exchange Made Easy; Complete a worksheet entitled, "The New York Stock Exchange Made Easy."
Friday, October 6
Class work:
- Complete and hand in your company research project
- Understand "margin" and "short sell"
- Review the rules of the SMG game
Homework: Print and read "Doodling in the Margin"
Week 6--October 10 through October 13
Let the GAMES begin!!! Welcome to the Stock Market Game!
Tuesday, October 10
Class work:
- Review the rules of the SMG game.
- The Stock Market Game officially begins today--You can purchase your first $100,000 of stock as a team.
- Record all your transactions and good luck!
- Continue your company research project if you have chosen to enter the essay contest
- Practice reading stock quote tables
- Links to visit:
Homework: Complete your reading stock quote tables assignment to be handed in tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 11
- Check your portfolio online and make any adjustments (sell/buy) that you need to do
- Review for a quiz tomorrow on pages 330 to 337
Homework: Read pages 330 to 337 as a review. Complete the review sheet and study
Thursday, October 12
Class Work:
Homework: None
Friday, October 13
Class Work:
- Return quizzes and review
- Describe market channels and the process for buying and selling securities
- View a PPT show on Buying and Selling Stocks
Homework: None
Monday, October 16
Class work:
- Describe short- and long-term investment strategies when buying and selling stocks
- Define the terms leverage, short selling, stock split, and dollar-cost averaging
- View a PPT show on Long & Short Term Investment Strategies
- Fill in the worksheet during class
Homework: Read chapter 12.2, pages 339 through350; Continue to work on your questions on page 354.
Tuesday, October 17
- Check the weekly stats on your portfolio
- Discuss copyrights and copycats and their relationship to the rise and fall of stocks
- This issue describes how technological changes and the Internet are radically changing the music industry and challenging the intellectual property rights (copyright laws) on which it depends
- Print, read and answer questions relating to the Napster issue
- Complete your questions on page 354--due today
Homework: None
Wednesday, October 18
Class Work:
- To understand "short selling" and buying on margin
- Read and discuss a two-page handout on short selling
- Consider buying one "short sell" stock and add it to your portfolio
- Understand how MS Excel can be used to set up your stock portfolio and make simple calculations
Homework: None
Thursday & Friday, October 19 & 20--SUBSTITUTE TEACHER
Class Work:
- Complete the supplied Chapter 12 review sheet (answer key available)
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average has a rich history
- Complete an assignment on Friday and submit it for a grade
- Go to the Dow Jones site at to learn more about it. In your own words, summarize what the Dow Jones Industrial Average is, how it originated, and why there was a need for it
- List 10 companies that are among the 30 used to create the average
Homework: Study for a quiz on the following terms: Short sell, margin, copyright, margin accounts, stock sell consent form, maintenance requirement, over-the-counter, Dow Jones, leverage, and all the terms in 12.2. The quiz will be next Tuesday, October 23.
WEEK 8: OCTOBER 23 through OCTOBER 27
Monday, October 23
- Check the weekly stats on your portfolio
- Take a practice run through of a quiz to prepare for tomorrow's quiz
- View a PPT show on "Considering Careers"
- Handout to accompany the PPT show for your notes
Homework: Read pages 2 - 7 in your textbook. Purchase a "view binder" that you will use for your career portfolio. Study for a quiz tomorrow
Tuesday, October 24
Class Work:
- Return graded assignments from last week (sub work)
- Quiz on terms presented in Chapter 12
- Continue the PPT presentation on "Considering Careers"
- Work together to "Discover your Perfect Career"
Wednesday, October 25
Class Work:
- View a PPT show on "Job Analysis "
- Complete an assignment on work characteristics and benefits
Homework: None
Thursday, October 26
Class Work:
- Log into
- Use the following to enter the site: ID 2859408 and Password R86S1218
- Set up an account and begin to take the Interest Profiler. There are 150 questions. I will check tomorrow to see your progress. You should have completed a minimum of 100 questions.
Homework: None
Friday, October 27
Class work:
- Visit Guidance Direct and complete your Interest Profiler
- Review and discuss the results of the profile
Homework: None
Monday, October 30
Class Work:
- View a PPT show on "Job Analysis "
- Complete an assignment on work characteristics and benefits (available in PDF)
- If time permits, complete the assignment using this online portal--full sentences and proper spelling
Homework: None
Tuesday, October 31
- Check the weekly stats on your portfolio.
- Understand the negative features of employment including employee expenses and work characteristics.
- Identify the resources available to explore the positive and negative features of a career
- Define the term "entrepreneur"
- Create a list of all the jobs that you would consider.
- Complete the DOT clipping page in your workbook--page 4 and the self assessment page 6
Homework: Read your textbook pages 2 through 11.
Wednesday, November 1
Class Work:
- Learn to describe the techniques required to cope with change in the workplace
- Learn why "lifelong learning" is an important goal in life.
- Begin a self-assessment inventory on page 6 in your workbook
Homework: Purchase a 1" view binder for Monday, November 6.
Thursday, November 2
- Check the weekly stats on your portfolio
- Understand the terms technology, job analysis, and networking
- Discuss and understand long-term planning and the world ecomony
- Create a cover page for your Career Project Portfolio using digital images
Homework: Reread chapter 1 in our textbook
Friday, November 3
Substitute--Complete a supplied handout and check your stock (answer key instructor only) Submit the assignment for a grade.
Monday, November 6
Class Work:
- Complete a review sheet for a quiz on Thursday (word bank available)
- Submit your self assessment homework that has been commented on by a teacher, counselor, or parent
Homework: Study for a quiz on Thursday
Wednesday, November 8
Class Work:
- Begin to assemble Part I of your career portfolio--pride list, story and goals.
- Use a prepared Word template to create part 1A of your portfolio (Part 1A document)
Homework: None
Thursday, November 9
Class work:
- Quiz on Chapter 1 in your textbook.
- Discuss and type your pride and experience list
- You must complete this and e-mail it to me before Monday's class
Homework: Compete your pride and experience list as well as your objectives page by Monday
Monday, November 13 -- ALL PART A and B WORK IS DUE THIS FRIDAY
Class work:
- View a PPT show on Chapter 2 (notes handout provided)
- Define identity, values, aptitude, interest, interests, lifestyle, and goals
- List the reasons why people work and factors that affect career choices (Lesson 2.1)
- Begin to assemble Part I of your career portfolio--pride list, story and goals.
- Use a prepared Word template to create part 1A of your portfolio (Part 1A document)
Tuesday, November 14
Class work:
- Develop your pride list of accomplishments and complete the next page of your portfolio
- Write a well-developed paragraph describing the time in your life that you were most proud of an accomplishment
- Identify and describe good career planning techniques (Lesson 2.1)
- Itemize
and explain good
job search techniques,
and formulate a
personal plan of
action to get the
job you want
(Lesson 2.2)
Wednesday, November 15
Class work:
- Type your pride page and add it to your portfolio
- Design and print a copy of the header that will be used throughout your portfolio project
- Your list should be professional in appearance.
Thursday, November 16
Class work:
- Discuss the importance of a job application and the correct fashion in which to complete it
- Review several different types of applications and discuss the legal issues involved
- Locate a "help wanted " ad in Newsday that you would like to apply for and include it in your portfolio
- Discuss the "verbiage" of the help wanted ad
- Discuss
and complete a
sample "application."
- Application 1 | Application 2 | Application 3 (complete one by hand and the other using Adobe PDF Writer
- Submit your portfolio for a grade on part I at the end of class on Friday.
- The rubric is on page 3 of your packet.
Homework: Complete your application if you haven't done so in class
Friday, November 17
Class work:
- All work in Part I is due today. Ten points will be deducted for each day that it is late.
- List sources of job opportunity information (Lesson 2.2)
- Complete page 7 in your workbook, section 1 vocabulary. We will review it together in class.
Homework: Read pages 35 to 43 in your text book. There will be a quiz on Wednesday, November 22. Study link for quiz.
WEEK 12: November 20 through November 22
Monday, November 20
Tuesday, November 21 & Wednesday, November 22
Class work:
- All work in Part I is due Wednesday. Ten points will be deducted for each day that it is late.
- Hand in: Portfolio cover, binder, goals/objectives, application,
Homework: None
WEEK 13: November 27 through December 1
Monday, November 27
Class Work:
- Understand the terms contact, locked in, work history, follow up, and identity
- There will be a quiz Wednesday.
- .Study link for quiz.
Homework: Study for a quiz on Chapter 2 and take the online practice if you like.
Tuesday, November 28
Make up day for Part I of Career Portfolio & InvestWrite Stock
Wednesday, November 29
Class Work:
- Quiz on Chapter 2
- Begin Part II of your Career Portfolio and Chapter 3 in your text book
- Explain the purpose of, describe the parts of, and prepare a letter of application (cover letter)
Homework: Read pages 49 through 54 in your text--lesson 3.1
Thursday, November 30
Class Work:
- Prepare a rough draft of a letter of application (cover letter) that includes the "interest, desire, and action" paragraphs
- Create a "letterhead" that will be used in for your cover letter and resume and all job application correspondence
Homework: Complete your handwritten draft of your cover letter. Get a current transcript from the guidance department and bring it to class tomorrow
Friday, December 1
Class Work:
- Guest Speaker from Cambridge Brighton Financial Planners
Homework: Get a copy of your current transcript from the guidance department.
WEEK 14: DECEMBER 4 through DECEMBER 8 (Career Portfolio)
Monday, December 4
Class Work:
- Compete your cover letter and envelope for your portfolio and submit
- Review
the parts of the "letter
of application" (sales
- return address
- letter address
- salutation
- body
- complimentary close
Homework: Review pages 49 through 54 in your text--lesson 3.1
Tuesday, December 5
Class Work:
- Understand
the tools available to search
for college and a program
that fits your needs
- Off To College website
- College Board website
- Discuss the types of schools--college, university, community/junior, vocational
- Locate two of each type of school and discuss the pros and cons of each
- Print a copy of your college supplement for your portfolio (read and understand page 1 in the packet)
Homework: Explore the two sites presented in class today and be prepared to discuss one or two things you learned about the site during your visit. Get a copy of your transcript from guidance to be included in your portfolio (due by Friday)
Wednesday, December 6
Class Work:
- Identify the 10 hottest careers for college graduates (pages 2-3 in your packet)
- List 3 occupations/careers that appeal to you; identify 3 other fields that are interesting but that you know little or nothing about
- Understand and discuss how to turn interests into jobs (page 4)
- Complete a careers and majors worksheet and submit it for a quiz grade (use as the resource)
Homework: Complete any work that you were unable to get to in class
Thursday, December 7
Class Work:
- Identify the colleges that offer the major you are interested in
- Understand how to use the "college matchmaker" located on the college board site
- Begin
to complete a college comparison
packet that will be due on
Tuesday, December 13
- Using the offtocollege website, locate and explore the Virtual Campus Tours site
- Print a copy of the college comparison worksheet that you will need
Homework: Complete any work that you were unable to get to in class
Friday, December 8
Class Work: Patty Hulmes from
WEEK 15: December 11 through December 15
Monday & Tuesday, December 11 & 12
Class Work:
- Understand how to use the "college matchmaker" located on the college board site
- Begin
a college
- Using the offtocollege website, locate and explore the Virtual Campus Tours site
- Print a copy of the college comparison worksheet that you will need
- Identify and define: public vs private college, school location, academics, cost, minimum GPA, SAT and ACT scores, filing deadlines, essays, recommendations
- Complete your college comparison worksheet and submit it for a grade
Wednesday, December 13
- List the guidelines for and begin to prepare a resume and scannable or faxable resume
- Begin to formulate your resume using the same "heading" that you used for your cover letter
- Visit this great site about "bad resume" writing!
- Get
a copy
Thursday, December 14
Class Work:
- Identify the types of formats that can be used to "key" your resume including
- Using the guidelines in your packet and in your book, begin to type your resume
- Include an objective, education, work experience, additional qualifications and references
- Review for a quiz on Lesson 3.1
Homework: Study
Friday, December 15
Class Work: Patty Hulmes from
Monday, December 18
Class Work:
- Review the material presented in chapter 3.1 in preparation for a quiz tomorrow
- Understand the need for cover letters and proper resume formatting
Homework: Study for a quiz tomorrow
Tuesday, December 19
- Quiz on Lesson 3.1
- Complete and/or revise your resume
- Understand how to create a scannable or faxable resume
- Print out a copy of a scannable resume and place it in your portfolio
Wednesday, December 20 through Friday, December 22
- Character education movie: Pay it Forward
Homework: None
WEEK 17: JANUARY 2 through JANUARY 5 (Career Portfolio)
Tuesday, January 2
Class Work:
- Place your resumes in your portfolio and create a scannable resume
- Submit the binder for a part II grade on the portfolio project
Wednesday, January 3
Class Work:
- Begin Part III of your final Career Portfolio Project
- Prepare for a job interview and list the methods of making a good first impression
- Identify the sources available to "research" the company you will be working for
- Review Lesson 3.2 in the textbook, pages 64 to 69
Thursday, January 4
Class Work:
- Mock interview assignment
- Discuss the ways to make a "good" first impression: be on time; dress well; go alone; be prepared; be enthusiastic
- Understand the difference between functional, adaptive and content skills
- Research an assigned company in preparation for an interview
- Be prepared to answer questions tomorrow on the company in a mock interview conducted in class
- Additional checklist (optional)
- You
- Row 1: Newsday Summer Journalism Program
- Row 2 : Summer Internship Opportunities
- Row 3: Brookhaven National Labs Clerical
- Row 4: Internship Opportunities
- Row 5: All Action Alarm Alarm and Electronic Systems Technician
- Additional Sites to Visit
Friday, January 5
Class Work:
- Mock Interviews--Rubric Provided
- Submit your research on your assigned company
- Try Monster's interview question generator
- Get all the help you need from Monster's Interview Center
Monday & Tuesday, January 8 and 9
Class work:
- Mock interviews
to be videotaped
- Becky
- Jeff
- Jim
- Justin
- Ashley
- Mock interviews
to be videotaped
- Mike, Darren, Mike
- Alison, Britt
Wednesday, January 10 and Thursday, January 11
- Explain the purpose of, describe the content of, and prepare a thank you letter
- Review the basic terms associated with a thank you letter: body, complimentary close, letter address, return address, salutation, and notations
- Prepare a rough draft of your thank you letter using the same "letterhead" that was used in your cover letter
- Great site on writing thank you letters
- Thank you letter FAQ
- Create a thank you letter and submit it for a grade; use online resources to help create the letter
Friday, January 12
Class work: Guest Speaker Patti Hulmes