2009-2010 School Year
The Rocky Point School District
is excited to announce the creation of a school-to-work advisory
board at Rocky Point High School in conjunction with the Long
Island Works Coalition.
The Long Island
Works Coalition is Long Island's first comprehensive effort
to forge collaborative working relationships between employers
and the educational community. It is an inclusive coalition
that brings together business people, government officials,
board of education members, administration, educators,
parents and students. It will be aimed exclusively at the
educational development and training of Long Island's student
population in order to produce a workforce that has the
skills businesses need and value.
The Rocky Point Advisory
Board has selected the name Rocky Point Schools Career
Advisory Partnership (Rocky Point CAP)
and our mission is to bring career opportunities to students.
The objectives of the Long Island Works Coalition and the
Rocky Point Career Advisory Partnership will be implemented
the critical skills that are, and will be in the future,
in demand by employers on Long Island; and
Developing education,
training, information exchange and other initiatives
designed to ensure that Long Island has a properly trained
and educated workforce that possesses those skills.