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Textbook pages 102-105
Sample Business Plans Online | Book Sample Plan

The business plan is your guide. You can adapt it to your specific business. Dividing the plan into several components helps make drafting it a more manageable task. The following will be used for this page and we will add to it as we move through the book. Your textbook provides a great template that we will refer to throughout the plan development process. Textbook Resource Document

Executive Summary (Chapter 5--TO BE COMPLETED LAST)

  • Open with a compelling story to persuade the reader that the business is going to be a success.
  • Give a detailed description of the business and its goals.
  • Discuss the ownership of the business and the legal structure.
  • List the skills and experience you bring to the business.
  • Discuss the advantages you and your business have over your competitors.

Management Team Plan (Online vocabulary)
Qualifications of you and your partners... includes names and credentials.

  • Online example
  • Key Executives Describe the management team that will help you achieve your business goals. Explain the duties and the salary of each team member. Provide a list of benefits that each person will provide the venture including previous experience, skill sets, and personal traits.(ex.)
  • Key Advisors Describe the advisors who will guide your management team in policy decisions. Provide a list of benefits that each person will provide the venture including their previous experience, skill sets, and personal traits.
  • Service Providers Explain the service providers you will hire and the advantages they bring to the venture.

Company Description (Chapter 2 Project Workbook)

  • Motivations Explain the reasons and motivations you have for starting or expanding this business

  • Entrepreneurial Opportunity Describe the entrepreneurial opportunity and the unique selling proposition your company will have to capitalize on the opportunity.

  • Business History If the company is currently in operation, describe the current status of the business including how long it has been in business and the history of growth in sales, market share, and profits.

  • Business Concept Explain the products and services your company will provide and the markets you will target to sell them.

Vision and Mission Statements (Chapter 5)

Marketing Plan (Chapter 10)

  • Discuss the products/services offered.
  • Identify the customer demand for your product/service.
  • Identify your market, its size and locations.
  • Explain how your product/service will be advertised and marketed.
  • Explain the pricing strategy.

Market Analysis (Chapter 5)

  • Demographic Profile: Explain the demographic characteristics of your target market.
  • Psychographic Profile: Create a psychographic profile of your target markets. Name each group and describe its characteristics.
  • Customer Behaviors: Describe the behaviors of your target market and their motivations for purchasing.
  • Target Market Opportunity: Explain how your business will capitalize on the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your target market.

Financial Plan (Chapter 19)

  • Explain your source and discuss the amount of initial equity capital you’ll need.
  • Develop a monthly operating budget for the first year.
  • Develop an expected return on investment and monthly cash flow for the first year.
  • Provide projected income statements and balance sheets for a two-­year period.
  • Discuss your break­even point.
  • Explain your personal balance sheet and method of compensation.
  • Discuss who will maintain your accounting records and how they will be kept.
  • Provide "what if" statements that address alternative approaches to any problem that may develop.

Operations (Chapter 17)

  • Explain how the business will be managed on a day-to­day basis.
  • Discuss hiring and personnel procedures.
  • Discuss insurance, lease or rent agreements, and issues pertinent to your business.
  • Account for the equipment necessary to produce your products or services.
  • Account for production and delivery of products and services.

Supporting Documents

  • All the information above should be copied into a MS Word document and saved as an Adobe PDF and linked here for easy downloading.
  • You can also link to your promotional items that were created for this business.
Copyright 2007
Rocky Point High School Entrepreneruship Class